Wednesday, August 13, 2008


hEy GuYs

dis is my 1st post if i am bad plzzz....4giv me..
nw i am 22yrs old n watevr experience i have had till now i totally believe that life is still beautiful. Nw what if u r fat n ugly or d guy u like, likes some other girl or get bad grades or anything real bad happens wid still dnt u thnk smwhere dwn d line dere is sm faith in all our minds our subconcious that smday thngs will improve that smday ill bounce back n wipe away all those bad memories.......i clearly remember wn i was in 10th grade i gt real bad marks in ma board exams evn though i ws a real good student in school n i evn thought that i shd kill ma self rather than seeing such bad marks in ma mark sheet bt den smwhere dwn d line dis kinda gav me all d inspiration i needed to proof myself n it actually wroked wondered 4 me n i gt real good marks in ma grade 12th board exams n dis ws all due to ma bad performance which actually gave a hard kick to dis retired scooter i mn ma brain [;)] i am prtty smwhere dwn d line dat life ws nt dat bad aftr all....n its still nt.......nw i am doin my MBA n i still believe in dis theory ppl.....dis post is specially 4 dose who thnk that life is horrible n dis is bad n dat is bad i dnt say u dnt crib.....its perfectly fine to crib at tymes bt plzzz dnt give up ur drmz n aspirations by thnkn that life is bad n god don't luv me or blah indeed is vry beautiful just open u r eyes a lil bit guyz n just cherish each moment.....evn if thngz go wrong just dnt eva giveup....[:)]....


Navchawla said...

First letme take this opportunity to congratulate u for this initiative..gr8 attempt dear...two things i get frm this, hope and inspiration. it brings tht fire inside to do sometin for betterment in every aspect of job keep it up

RATZ said...

absolutely true...its human nature...even in d worst of situations one doesnt unconsciously give up d hope dat things will get back on track....well written :)
keep bloggin... :)

Unknown said...

Hey Neha,
Its a beautiful blog n loved what u wrote. Kip it up.Lookin 4ward to reading more stuff here.Hope all is goin gr8 wid ya. missin u!See ya soon! :)

Unknown said...

hey motti...
so u finally enterin d blog world.. cool... n don worry... ul for sure gt d guy whum u want (if u don already hv it) and of whch oder gurls will b jealous of.. lol..
keep d good work goin.. n never loose hope... tc..

Chhavi Singh said...

hey neha .. grt work gurl ... n remember to keep the spirits high forever :)

kanika said...

hey sweetie...gr8 wrk...keep it up nd m sure u'l do wonders for urself....mmmuuaahhhh

Ravi Jain said...

bravo....i never knw dat u had such gr8 insight about life.. we all kinda spent our life cribbing arnd wat we dnt have & d time we reialize d true meaning of life is not 2 crib for wat we dnt have but 2 njoy d most we have !! :) gr8 thoughts penned (figuratively) by you.. keep blogging & have (as i often say) awesome life...